Tribute Wall
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Monday, September 5, 2022
Madison Memorial Home
159 Main St.
Madison , New Jersey, United States
(973) 377-2735
Liturgy of Christian Burial
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Holy Family RC Church
1 Lloyd Avenue
Florham Park, New Jersey, United States
Final Resting Place
11:30 am - 12:00 pm
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Gate of Heaven Mausoleum
225 Ridgedale Avenue
East Hanover, New Jersey, United States
Thomas DeFranco uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Uncle tony you were many things. A husband, a
parent, even a grandparent. Above all else you
were a great man that I looked up to,
respected, and loved with my whole heart. I
remember being young and hearing we were
"going over to the vespas for dinner" and how
excited I used to get. To sit there and listen to
everything my uncle had to talk about that
night. It always lit me up. I've had some rough
times and you never failed to cheer
me up with your humor and love and you didn't
even know it. That's just the genuine guy you
were. I noticed the sunsets you sent my sister
meghan the day u passed. Thanks for showing
her and all of us that you're still here. I just
know you grandpa and grandma are up there
laughing and talking shit. Just make sure ya
keep an eye on me. I love you. Talk to you later.
Sally Gibbons Posted Jan 8, 2023 at 7:07 PM
Bernardino Iannuccillo lit a candle
Wednesday, September 7, 2022

rRest in Peace Tony
Diane Melia lit a candle
Monday, September 5, 2022

My condolence to Tony's wife Donna and their children Mary Katherine and Michael and all his family and friends that will miss him. We spent 18 years in the Hunter Mountain locker room together and once the Mountain Ranger program was disband we continued our friendship. Someone mentioned his nicknames, I had one as his "token broad" on the team and he had several of his own. He was very graceful on his skis and was a good team leader. His friendship is one I will never forget and a smile will come with all the fun times we spent together.
Karen Moffat posted a condolence
Monday, September 5, 2022
My condolences to the family. I will always remember Tony's smile, friendly manner and his skiing style as he came down the mountain. Truly one of a kind!
Flora Fraticelli posted a condolence
Sunday, September 4, 2022
My deepest condolences to all the family, I am so sorry for your loss.
Laura Occhiuzzi posted a condolence
Sunday, September 4, 2022
When I first met my husbands lifelong friend some 30 years ago, I thought to myself- I have never met anyone like him. I liked him immediately. From his off the cuff comments, his voice and mannerisms and his sense of humor- I knew that he would become an important part of my life. Brooklake, Hunter, Flying to Montuak to see us, New Years Eve parties, Cafe Main- I have so many memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life.
He leaves behind a true legacy in his family. Donna, Michael and Mary Catherine please know that we are here for you . You are a part of our family. We love you!
Anthony Cicalese posted a condolence
Sunday, September 4, 2022
Anthony Cicalese
I had transferred from a private junior high school to Millburn High in tenth grade. I knew practically no one there, and I took a seat near the back of the room on the first day of school in home room that morning. Next to me was sitting an imposing figure all dressed in black, black leather jacket included. The home room teacher began to call the role and I answered to my name. When finished, Tony leaned over to me, introduced himself, and said hey, we Italians need to stick together around here. He became my first friend at Millburn, and introduced me to his other friends. We became a group that stayed together throughout high school. I will never forget Tony, and that moment, and the kindness that he extended to me.
Later I became very friendly with his brother Nicky as well. Both of them so different in personality but, I valued my friendships with both of them.
Tony always possessed a presence about him that commanded respect, a quality that he also acknowledged in others and gave back to those few that he held close to him.
I haven’t seen Tony or Nicky in many years now as I have moved to Costa Rica and lived here for the past 23 years. It’s been many years since I’ve even returned or visited the US but even through all that time my memories of Tony still shine on in my mind and more importantly in my heart. I feel his loss, and extend my deepest condolences to his family which was always Tony’s primary concern. I especially want to send send my thoughts to Nicky, I’m so deeply sorry for your loss.
Kathleen Keyser posted a condolence
Saturday, September 3, 2022
I met Tony while at Millburn High School and our friendship continued for decades. He and my husband Billy spent years together on the Courtesy Patrol at Hunter Mountain. We shared a ski house for a few years with Tony, Donna and family. We would cook elaborate meals after skiing, drink Tony's homemade red wine, and laugh for hours mostly due to Tony's completely irreverent, blunt and unapologetic comments. He was a unique individual with a commanding presence...everyone knew when Tony was "in the house". Everyone had a "Tony" nickname - somehow, perhaps luckily, I cannot remember mine! He was one of a kind and blessed with a wonderful wife and family. While in recent years we lost touch, my memories of good times together are everlasting. Rest in Peace dear Tony....and we send love and prayers to Donna, Mary Catherine, Michael and the extended family.
Kathy and Billy Keyser
Judi Spina posted a condolence
Saturday, September 3, 2022
Back in 1982 Tony got into his plane and flew from Jersey to L.I. to drop off the key to the ski house we would share for the upcoming season. Very cool. What a wild house it was with Tony’s friend Greg, Ralph C. and Billy and Betty Roth. My room was off the living room, and it wasn’t unusual on Saturday and Sunday mornings to step over the bodies who couldn’t make it from the front door to their rooms (and of those who didn’t even have a room) after being out all night. Still, we managed to get up and ready for patrol each morning. Tony, we know you will bring your partying, irreverent self to wherever you travel in the universe and everyone who’s paths you cross will be happy you arrived even though we here on earth are sorry you left. RIP.
Meghan DeFranco posted a condolence
Saturday, September 3, 2022
Meghan DeFranco, god daughter of Tony
Uncle tony,
For those of you who do not know me, I am Meghan, Tony’s god daughter.
Tony- The man, the myth, the legend. Quite literally lived a life full of adventures that few can compare.
When thinking about my daily life, the memories include him. We lived around the corner and spent our lives, literally daily, with the Vespas. Some may not know that it was actually uncle tony who did a lot of the cooking in the evenings- always chicken. A 21st century man!
While skiing and playing golf were great loves of his- so we’re his family and friends. You couldn’t find a more loyal friend. As we can see by how many people have come out to celebrate him.
He was obviously stubborn and had opinions that didn’t always match mine. But what I always knew was that I was loved. That is something I never doubted. While our disagreements lasted, so did our love and respect for each other. He never made me feel othered, always curious and wondering about me. And I always wanted to share. I remember many evening sitting at the dining room table for hours after the meal, talking shit and laughing. The best of times.
Uncle tony liked to have a good time. I think he would want us to celebrate the life he had. Picture him twirling aunt Donna around the dance floor, or ordering drinks for the whole bar, making sure everyone felt included and comfortable. He lived a life rooted in the present. Most days it seemed like he was celebrating a holiday or birthday. I think that’s a piece of tony we should all take with us. Life is short but lovely and full of opportunity to celebrate.
The night uncle tony died, I went to watch the sunset. The sky danced and illuminated like it hadn’t in weeks. Literally a never ending sunset full of vibrate pinks and blues. I sat outside watching until the colors disappeared, thinking of uncle tony and sending my love straight to him. And I know he received it because the colors hung around for over an hour. We were together, enjoying the last bit of light. It truly felt like he was reassuring us that he was there, safe, free of pain, and dancing again.
August 31st was already a hard and meaningful day for the family, when we lost our patriarch, grandpa frank. As that day was approaching I was reflecting on death, and how unbelievably quick 20 years had gone since I had first sensed great loss. Uncle tony dying on the 20th anniversary of our grandfathers death is no coincidence. If anyone knew grandpa frank, he was the most special and loving. A caretaker through and through and always made his family feel safe. I know for sure he was there to welcome uncle tony and make sure aunt donna knows that her guys are together, loving and protecting her.
Bill Jacobs posted a condolence
Friday, September 2, 2022
Tony Vespa Tribute Stories
Bill Jacobs
Tony is someone I’ve always admired and appreciated his ability to ski, sense of humor, and how he lived his life “all out there”. His ethics and integrity was insurmountable and he always stood on the side of what was right. After getting me on Curtesy Patrol, Rangers, Guest Guides, and now Ski Patrol he always said, “I’ll help you get on patrol, but don’t let me down”.
After many years of learning how to ski, we moved to Utah. While there we invited Tony and Donna to come out for a ski vacation. I asked Tony while riding on the chairlift at Alta “Where do you want to ski, do you want to take it easy and get acclimated to the altitude and snow?”. Of course as only Tony could say, he said “Are you kidding me, I want to go STEEP AND DEEP”. I again asked, “are you sure, it’s been some time since you skied powder?” again he assured me, take me somewhere steep and deep. So off we went to some chutes where I knew we would find bottomless Utah powder. Tony followed me in, so I made 10 turns, through some trees and stopped to check on his run. I watched him make 3 great turns, then proceeded to load the front of his skis with weight, and was buried in powder on the 4th turn. All I could see was his red hat, he was buried up to his neck. His skis released and it took him 45 minutes to walk up hill just to get his skis. This happened about 3 or 4 more times until finally he said “OK, lets’ go ski some groomed trails”. As only Tony can say “OK Homo, you saw me at my worst, you saw my skirt go down to my ankles…. FRUMP”.
As funny as that was, I would give all the powder in the world right now to have him screaming at me, kid around with me, and calling me his “Little Fairy haired, little homo”… Miss you Tony
Diane Melia
A smile comes to mind from Bill and Lynette's rehearsal dinner in St. Pete Beach. Bill and Lynette had taken Donna, Tony, Art and me for a boat ride and nice waterfront lunch. We took group and boat pictures earlier. Mickey and Kathy weren't on the boat ride. Tony and the guys always tried to one up each other. Bill's boat is 2' shorter than Tony's boat, Tony had quite the discussion trying to explain his boat. Next thing the cell phone comes out and Tony uses his fingers to blow up Bill's boat to the size of his boat. Then proudly said here's my boat.
The next day at the wedding there was a "Hunter" friends table conveniently located next to the bar and the beautifully arranged raw bar. Tony, Art and Mickey looked at each other and went up to the raw bar before the wedding started...then were nicely told they shouldn't have indulged yet.
John Flynn
TV's description of my skiing "Flynnstone, you have that swishy ass style of skiing like Belsky" . He was my friend and I'm going to miss him. RIP TV.
Mickey Memoly
I first met Tony back in the late seventies. He was on ski patrol. TV and his ski buddy bingo (Ken Wright) would bring more sleds with injured skiers off the mountain than any other patrollers. About 8 years ago in the spring, I was skiing with my 5 year old grandson, when we bumped into the Vespa family, even Donna was out. TV wanted to ski Minya Konka on the east side. I was worried it would be to tough for the kid, TV said he would teach him the Fakey Breaky. Graham learned it and got down with no problem. Tony used to brag with the fakey breaky anybody could get down a steep trail. He taught it to many skiers at Hunter.
Tony loved his family first, then skiing .
Tony had nicknames for everyone, mine was mouse.
Ken Duym
Tony was driving, Donna, Robin and I on an overcast day and were just looking to take a ride. We went down to Island Beach state park etc… we drove around for a few hours just goofing off and Tony decided to go to his friends house in Seaside. His friend has a house right on the ocean. Tony parked and we all got out, His friend came out and told him not to park there because parking enforcement would give him a ticket. So Tony moved the car (Alone) and went around the block, he made an illegal left turn onto the side street and got pulled over and got a ticket. I was in the car with him minutes before this I could have probably gotten him out of it. We laughed later but he was not too happy at the time.
Nelson Afonso
July of 1996, we all were watching the Florham Park Parade at Jimmy Janicelli’s house, but we parked at a church (behind his house) as we were going to sneak out and play golf with Tony. As the parade was winding down, Tony, Billy and I ran through Jimmy’s back yard, but didn’t realize there was an 8 foot chain link fence. Billy and I said, let’s go, so climbed over it like we were being chased by the cops. Tony got to the top and got caught and started yelling “get over her you hampsters and get me off this fence”. Maybe not so funny unless you have the image of Tony stuck on top of an 8 foot fence by his pants and the 2 of us laughing so hard as we were trying to get him unstuck. Of course Tony had some great words for us once he was freed from the fence like “you two homo’s” and “you were going to leave me up there weren’t you, you little fags” as only Tony could say it.
Jon Harris posted a condolence
Friday, September 2, 2022
I have known, enjoyed and admired Tony for 44 years and consider it an honor to have been his friend. First and foremost he was a family man who valued his family above all else and would do anything to keep it tight knit, safe and well off.
From his early days on ski & courtesy patrol, the Halloween parties in Chatham, the locker room antics and Hunter bar scene he was funny, overly generous, acceptingly vulgar and honestly filterless.There was no political correctness for Tony and we all knew it and accepted it with a smile. We men were either "homos" or "pussies" and women with round asses were "nice toilet seats". His Hunter radio call signs included TV, FLUF (if you don't know what that stands for I'm not telling you) and Blowfish (a dried one of which was pinned to his locker) among others. He accepted it all with a smile.
His business was successful enough for him to have a luxurious home, some nice toys like a plane (which overshot a runway once) and a comfortable boat (which ran into the dock once). Fortunately neither accident resulted in any serious injuries. Tony loved his "Johnny Walker Black" which occasionally got the better of him including landing on the back of his head entering his mountain house one evening resulting in a railroad track of staples down the middle of his skull. The scotch also made him more humorous, generous and lispy. He really had a way with words except on a phone call which was always short, to the point and ended with "okay bye".
I have no one specific story that stands out among many memories but I can say he was a great guy to be with and I will truly miss him.
RIP my friend,
"Okay Bye"
douglas hughes Posted Sep 2, 2022 at 6:47 PM
I've known Tony for over 40 years, one of the most generous and nicest people you would ever meet you also was a phenomenal skier with a beautiful style and only he had and also could teach almost anybody to ski. He always bought me a drink every time for 40 years I will miss him dearly great friend, the great person and a true hunter icon. One time he even taught my girlfriend how to ski at a bar by his house in bradley beach thinking of you and I miss you my friend doug
The family of Antonio Vespa uploaded a photo
Friday, September 2, 2022

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