Tribute Wall
Memorial Visitation
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Saturday, January 15, 2022
Madison Memorial Home
159 Main St.
Madison , New Jersey, United States
(973) 377-2735
Ursula Jones posted a condolence
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Dear Chris,
I was sad to hear of your loss of John. I certainly know how you must feel. The memories I have of John was when we were all together at various parties and D.B.E. functions always having a wonderful time together with friends.
Love, Ursula
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Vernon J. Fullerton posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Although I do t have any photos to share I have many vivid memories of working with Ken and his amazing team (rich & Sean to name a few). As a young engeineer directly out of college I was amazed when first introduced into his creative world where he would design something then build it the following week. His ability to solve complex problems with ease is something that I’ll never forget. My first interactions with Ken 25 years ago have given me knowledge that has certainly aided in the success of my career and the projects that I’ve supported.
If heaven has any complex issues they’ve been struggling with I’m certain that Ken is already finding solutions. May you rest in peace and forever be be an inspiration to others as you were to me. With lots of Love and Respect, Vernon Fullerton
Kay and Graham uploaded photo(s)
Friday, January 7, 2022

Dear John, you were always interesting and such fun. We have wonderful memories of times spent with you and Chris at the ranch and on holidays. You lived life to the full and enjoyed every aspect, be it business, family or sports and outdoor adventure. Thinking of you always, Kay and Graham in England
Barry and Carol Gore lit a candle
Monday, January 3, 2022

John loved life, his work and his family. We admired his engineering and business intelligence. He freely shared his lifetime of engineering knowledge and enjoyed helping others learn new skills. John was such a good grandfather to our grandchildren, and he spent a lot of time with them. He and Chris were devoted watchdogs for them when Rich and Leah needed a brief vacation break.
John was a gracious and generous host. We enjoyed many wonderful Christmas Eve dinners with the Hatleys. He was a good sport with all the silly and fun games we played to entertain ourselves at those dinners. John and Chris’s home in the Catskills was always open to us as well. We have a favorite picture taken while there of John and Barry carrying Lyla and Graham on their shoulders and walking down the road to watch the train pass.
Our memories of John tell of a life well lived. His dry and witty humor will always be in our hearts and minds. We are grateful to have known him and to have had him in our lives. John will be missed very much.
Barry and Carol
Cynthia Altschuler lit a candle
Monday, January 3, 2022

John, you lived life to the fullest. You added much joy to the lives of all who knew you. You will always be remembered as a loving and kind father, grandfather, and friend. I feel fortunate to have been included in your circle of friends. Cynthia Altschuler
Lyla Fawn hatley uploaded photo(s)
Friday, December 31, 2021

Penelope Barnes lit a candle
Friday, December 31, 2021

Dear John was always so kind and interested in others. Years ago we had a young lad visiting, he had turned to travel because he couldn't decide where his future lay apart from the very usual tracks which didn't appeal at all. John said he could visit his office so he did. I don't know what was said, but Michael came out smiling and said yes, he now had some good ideas.
With all Johns activities and adventures the family must have some wonderful memories of time spent together.
Fondly Penelope and Nigel Barnes
Lyla Fawn hatley uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, December 30, 2021

This picture represents unconditional love- the love that you have for us, and we have for you. I miss you and I love you, Granddad. I miss driving the tractor with you, skiing, playing croquet. All of it. Not a day goes by where I don't think of you and wish you were here. Forever yours, Lyla Fawn Hatley.
Leah Hatley uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, December 30, 2021

John, I was looking through all of my photos of you when I realized just what a big part you played in all of the fun that we had. While there are a few photos of you looking grandfatherly, smiling on the sidelines while watching the kids have fun, most of the pictures feature you right in the middle of the action. I have picture after picture of you with your grandchildren in your arms, on your lap, on your shoulders, beside you in trains, in front of you riding various tractors, on the floor playing with toys, and in lines to see Santa. I have pictures of you dressed for the part in paper crowns, a turkey hat, elf hats, snow hats, a witch's hat and, of course, baseball caps. I have pictures of you dressed up as the villain in a play and as a teacher at Hogwarts. I have pictures of you at birthday parties, amusements parks, zoos, and playgrounds; those of you playing with the kids in the snow, fishing in the Delaware, setting up science experiments, and letting them press the button on your cool new log-splitting machine. I have pictures of you, John, not just because you were there, but because you made those pictures worth taking. It feels inadequate to say thank you for all you brought to our lives, but I need to say it again. Thank you, John, for putting your hand up for fun, for being quick to laugh, and for bringing joy to our moments together.
Glyn lit a candle
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

I shall remember Uncle John with great fondness, from being a child when we got together as a family, sailing on the Thames at Radcott or sharing family Christmas's at Hawthorns our Grandparents family home. Then when I embarked on my early career in engineering, John was great to discuss process he new better than most and I could share in his passion for. John had great patience and shared great kindness. Rest in peace Uncle John. Your nephew Glyn.
John Christly lit a candle
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

My thoughts and prayers are with the family at this time. I am very sorry for your loss. I met Rich’s father way back when I lived in Madison and I remember how nice, friendly, and smart he was.
Barbara Bodenstein lit a candle
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

I'm lighting a candle in John's memory. I am so grateful for his kindness, wisdom, wit, Jeopardy knowledge, enthusiasm for engineering and appreciation of extended family including friends and neighbors. He was a mentor to me for the field of engineering so I will dig out my copy of The Way Things Work this evening in his memory. Chris, Mark and Rich - our deepest sympathy to you and may memories bring comfort.
The family of Kenneth John Hatley uploaded a photo
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

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