Tribute Wall
Mass of Christian Burial
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Church of Christ the King
16 Blue Mill Road
New Vernon, New Jersey, United States
Final Resting Place
11:30 am - 12:00 pm
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Somerset Hills Memorial Park
Mt. Airy Road
Basking Ridge, New Jersey, United States
Patricia Blasi posted a condolence
Monday, January 13, 2025
I was employed at Nabisco and had to go on a business trip by plane to Pennsylvania. When I arrived at the front desk to check in, they said Ms. Blasi, this bouquet of flowers came for you. When I looked at the card it said Happy Mothers Day from Guy. At that moment I realized how proud and fortunate I was to have a son like Guy.
NJ posted a symbolic gesture
Sunday, January 12, 2025

Patricia Blasi posted a condolence
Friday, January 10, 2025
Guy my Dear son. The most generous, kind hearted son a mother could hope to have. He would always say from his heart, what do you need or want? Anything, just let me know. Not once did he say what he might need from me. I indeed gave with my love and devotion to the very best son a mother could have. My beautiful son, I will miss you and cherish you for as long as I live, until our souls unite in heaven. God bless you. Love always mom.
Tricia Garrubbo posted a condolence
Friday, January 10, 2025
Guy and I were together for 23 years. We spent most of these years together, side by side. He wouldn't have it any other way. . The six of us spent most of our time together and not scattered in 20 different places. He wouldn't have that any other way either. He was deeply rooted in family, tradition and keeping this family of six together. We will maintain that togetherness for the rest of our lives. He claimed every Sunday as Garrubbo Sunday. Only Garrubbo's...and specifically, only us. Everyone had to be there. Unless there was something pressing, it was Garrubbo Sunday. Every Sunday from now on will always be Garrubbo Sunday. That will not change. There will never be a greater love gifted to us than the love Guy gave us 24 hours a day seven days a week, year after year. We know that as an inarguable truth.
He would tell me, frequently, or maybe it was a reminder, that he chose me. All of you were chosen. He was meticulous about everything. Absolutely no detail was neglected. Everything was by design and with purpose. He was disciplined, orderly and exact. He was specific in what he chose to say or not say. He was and is a master of knowing. His instincts and intuition were unmatchable. I often said he could sit at a table with the leaders of the world. He would most likely have the best solution and all would agree because he had the ability to show you what he understood or what he wanted you to understand.
From birth Guy knew there were no limits in life. There was absolutely no reason he could not accomplish what he set out to do. He informed himself in all he did not know. He asked many questions. He was relentless in his pursuit of personal success. Almost everyone in this room has probably received hundreds of calls from Guy. Some thousands. You better pick up his call or return it quickly. He will keep calling until you do...and the next day, and the day after that. I would often tell him that people had lives and he wasn't the only person in their lives. He would always say, Tricia, this is me. And it was.
He knew where he wanted to be for himself and his family. It was all for us. No one will ever know anyone in this lifetime like Guy Garrubbo. He has left a tremendous impression in our hearts and souls. The children and I feel him so close to us. He repeated everything so often it would be impossible not to remember what he expected of us and how much he loved us. Our life will be dedicated to preserving the legacy of Guy who stormed through this world with great force. Every move we make will be in honor of him. Guy will be with us forever.
To his children he would say, trust me, I'm here.
Vote Republican
Drive right pass left.
Protect my family
Valerie Wood posted a condolence
Thursday, January 9, 2025
If I be the first of us to die,
Let grief not blacken long your sky.
Be bold yet modest in your grieving.
There is a change but not a leaving.
For just as death is part of life,
The dead live on forever in the living.
And all the gathered riches of our journey,
The moments shared, the mysteries explored,
The steady layering of intimacy stored,
The things that made us laugh or weep or sing,
The joy of sunlit snow or first unfurling of the spring,
The wordless language of look and touch,
The knowing,
Each giving and each taking,
These are not flowers that fade,
Nor trees that fall and crumble,
Nor are the stone,
For even stone cannot the wind and rain withstand
And mighty mountain peaks in time reduce to sand.
What we were, we are.
What we had, we have.
A conjoined past imperishably present.
So when you walk the wood where once we walked together
And scan in vain the dappled bank beside you for my shadow,
Or pause where we always did upon the hill to gaze across the land,
And spotting something, reach by habit for my hand,
And finding none, feel sorrow start to steal upon you,
Be still.
Close your eyes.
Listen for my footfall in your heart.
I am not gone but merely walk within you.
N. Evans
Some are just larger than life.
Philip Garrubbo posted a condolence
Thursday, January 9, 2025
"Hello Cousin!" That was always my greeting from Guy, since we were boys. We spent more time together than many brothers. From when we were kids and had sleep overs; always sitting side-by-side at Nanni's Christmas table and then going back to your house with Gary to spend Christmas break together. You shared your music with me and were there when I bought my first stereo. You showed me how to ride a dirt bike and we spent countless hours riding together. You coached me with weight lifting. You taught me about cars as we drove and disassembled and reassembled so many engines. We introduced one another to each other's friends. We went to California for a week after I graduated college. We even shared an apartment for a while in NYC. You accomplished so much, starting with just a telephone in your bedroom and the humble beginnings of "Auto Search" and "Stay Crisp". There was no halfway for you, Guy. You were always bound and determined to be the best, to be perfect, to live up to your own expectations. But what impresses me most out of all your accomplishments is your family. Your dedication to Trisha, Jillian, Chloe, Guy, and Siena was unwavering. Your love and affection for each of them was always resounding. I know how you cherished Nanni and Nannu. I can say without reservation that they would be so very proud of you, because there is no greater measure of a man than how he loves and cares for him family.
Ciao Cousin! Ci Vediamo.
Paul Cocoziello posted a condolence
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Just a few words about the admiration I have for a grand man, my dear, old friend Guy!
When a man is born, some say, before him lies an infinite number of paths that will lead him through life and experience and finally to his mortal end, and only his unwieldy will, virtues, vices, acumen or obtuseness will forge the shape of his own unique road through time and trace the form of the truth by which he will be remembered with scorn, love or admiration. Still others say nothing a man can possibly do, try as he may, will alter the road already preordained for him by God and his genes, and ultimately his life is a mere series of acts already scripted in an inscrutable book of fate.
Saint Paul combined these two views of man’s free will, or only apparent free will, when he wrote that now, while alive, we look through a mirror into an enigma but when mortal existence is over, we will be known to ourselves as God always knew us. In so many words, only by not turning our eyes away from and embracing our own mystery and confronting all the unknowns and twists and turns of life, will real truth and love be possible and revealed.
My old friend Guy never passively accepted the enigma of his own existence as a timid spectator, looked askance from it or shrunk from its constant barrage of daunting tests. Instead, Guy immersed himself in his being as if it were a series of oceans and continents to explore. With near superhuman vigor, he investigated every contour and possibility of what life was dishing – at times to his detriment, at times against all odds resulting in heroic victories. Fearless, he drew from his inborn fortitude, wit, self-love, courage, humor, and passion to carve a mighty path through six decades of nearly inconceivable fortunes, misfortunes, daunting challenges, defeats and towering successes. Like a magnet, his charisma attracted a host of friends and family along in his journey.
For those of us who had the chance and privilege to bear witness, a blaze of light and love and a few jagged edges here and there shot forth from this passing meteor of a man infecting us all with awe, apprehension, strength. inspiration and love. Of those of us who knew him, who can say their interpretation of the world has not been forever altered by their encounter with Guy Garrubbo?
Some, especially like his beloved Tricia and children, held fast in every moment to his magnificent trajectory with loyalty, devotion and (yes) tolerance, feeding Guy’s beautiful, hypnotic flame with unconditional love. Others, somewhat overwhelmed by the outsized enthusiasm, had to hop on and off from time to time fearing a crash or complete assimilation into “Guyness”.
Some years ago after Guy and I decided to have a wrestling match smack in the middle of the lobby of the Plaza Hotel after a cocktail or two at the old Trader Vic’s, Guy, out of nowhere, told me that one day when his time would come he would pass to the other side in the blink of an eye taking it head on with both eyes open. He said it without any cowardice, fear of the end or affected self-pity whatsoever. Guy was only expressing that he would confront it with the same vigor, wonder and curiosity that he mustered when taking on a new project, a new chance to learn and advance.
Guy left us as he lived, revealing his truth as a champion, a grand man, a fearless businessman, a natural, gut-splitting comedian, a good and cherished friend to so many and, above all, an outstanding and loving father, husband and son.
Speaking for me, the road Guy traced through this world shines on indelibly, and will be remembered with admiration and as an inspiration.
Caro Gaetano, quanto però mi mancherai, porca miseria!
Lorrie Pannullo posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Unforgettable. That’s the only word that describes Guy. Whether you knew him well, or met him in passing, Guy made an impression. His energy was powerful, undeniable, electrifying every room and commanding attention wherever he went.
The Guy I knew was fiercely loyal and had a heart bigger than his words could ever show. He was the protector, the one who would drop everything to help someone he cared about, no matter the costs. Guy’s love was powerful, his generosity endless, and his presence unforgettable. Energy doesn’t die - it transforms, like water to steam, and Guy’s energy remains, surrounding and strengthening those he loved most.
Merle Obrien posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Christmas 2024 was my best Christmas ever. God offered me an opportunity to spend this Christmas with Tricia Guy Jillian Chloe Guy jr and Chloe. Guy was his usual self lively and outspoken. I truly enjoyed his company. Tricia is a good cook and made a
Delicious dinner. The kids were so loving warm and full of affection. I witnessed the bond between Guy and each of his children. He had a unique love for each one and they equally loved their father. I had the privilege to enjoy this warm loving family. It is my blessing and best memory ever.
joe pannullo uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, January 8, 2025

To my best man and oldest longest friend - there are no words, yet so much to say. With stupidity and laughter etched in my soul since we were little, after these tears, you'll still always bring a smile to my heart. thanks little brother.
see Guy & Gary ~1970 in the first four wheel vehicle Guy ever drove - mine - and one of many. My keys are yours pal. Peace.
i love you always
Joe Pannullo
The family of Guy P. Garrubbo uploaded a photo
Wednesday, January 8, 2025

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Tricia Garrubbo posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Guy, we will never be loved more than you loved us. You gave us everything a husband and father could provide for their family. You grounded us in family tradition. You taught us everything you could about life. You will be with us forever.
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