Tribute Wall
Clara Chang-Wu lit a candle
Saturday, November 2, 2024

Uncle Rogers will be missed dearly.
I remember how we took a trip to Hong Kong and Mainland China, but I really remember the times we had lunch while working at the Port Authority at the World Trade Center. We ate a lot of good food, and the lunches still continued even after my transfer to the Tech Center when he came to visit.
I’ll never forget in 1993 when the World Trade Center was bombed, we had just came back from lunch. Fortunately, we made it out safe that day.
We have made so many wonderful memories since then.
Until the next time we can have lunch, thank you and rest in piece Uncle Rogers.
Clara Chang-Wu
Rose F Sneed lit a candle
Friday, November 1, 2024

Madeline Grillo posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
When we think of Rogers, these are the characteristics that come to mind:
kind, open, generous, happy, nurturing & supportive, accepting, wise, loyal, a good listener, judicious with advice, and nonjudgemental. He was a dear sweet man - everything a friend should be. He will be greatly missed.
With broken hearts,
Rich & Madeline Louis
Janet Fung lit a candle
Sunday, October 13, 2024

Rogers was a wonderful and kind person who had a profound impact on my life. He was my first manager and a true friend during my time at the Port Authority. Working with him was a pleasure, and I felt incredibly lucky to have him in my life. He will truly be missed.
Janet Fung & Joryan Wong
Tom & Joan Lubas lit a candle
Sunday, October 13, 2024

Those who touch our lives, stay in our hearts forever. Our legacy is really the lives we touch and Rogers will be remembered by us as a dear and close friend who made us smile when we met, and, he truly cared about the well-being of his family and close friends. We always felt comfortable spending time together. We recall many examples of those times. We totally enjoyed our vacation trips together. Eating hot and spicy Mexican food in Mexico City and Acapulco made our faces turn bright red. Our train travels to Rogers’ father’s hometown region in Guangzhou China was magical. The US Government did not permit travel to China back then and our passports were taken from us there. We were very concerned that the Chinese government would not return them to us. Rogers will forever remain in our hearts. “Til we meet again, dear Friend.
Tom & Joan Lubas
The family of Rogers W. Lui uploaded a photo
Thursday, October 10, 2024

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