Tribute Wall
Carmen posted a condolence
Sunday, June 23, 2024
Nuestro más sentido pésame, somos sus primas desde Madrid,España, Antonia, Gloria y Carmen, hijas de su tía Vicenta, a la cual ella quería muchísimo, como a una madre. Siempre la recordaremos con mucho cariño.
Descanse en paz.
ISABEL VALDES posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Dear Gloria your smile and kind heart will be remembered by all of us that had the privilege to call you friend. May you rest in peace.
MALENA lit a candle
Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Querida Gloria , a pesar de la distancia fisica siempre estuviste a mi lado . Recuerdo todos los momentos que tuve el privilegio de platicar y convivir contigo El tiempo que pasaste con mi mama en Mexico durante el cual ella fue muy feliz y tambien el que conviviste conmigo . Conocerte fue muy enriquecedor no solo por tu gran generosidad hacia todos los que tuvimos la suerte de ser tus amigos , sino por tus ocurrencias y las maravillosas historias que me compartiste. Tu partida deja un gran vacio entre quienes te querremos siempre , pero tu recuerdo nos acompanara . A tu familia le deseo que encuentren consuelo en Dios .
Cecilia Henwood posted a condolence
Sunday, March 3, 2024
Gloria nos da mucha pena tu partida. Fuiste una bella persona tratando de ayudar a quien pudiste. Que Dios te tenga bajo su manto. Descansa en Paz. A tu familia nuestra más sentida condolencia.
Peter y Cecilia Henwood
Marián Moore posted a condolence
Sunday, March 3, 2024
It’s imposible to remember Gloria without a smile, through difficult circumstances she always was optimistic. Gloria was a wonderful friend, cooking for friends and family was a way to tell how much she loved everyone. She’ll be terribly missed.
Kristina Graff posted a condolence
Saturday, March 2, 2024
Gloria was always a beloved and special family friend when I was growing up...but when many years later I moved back to New Jersey as a new mom, she became our local extended family.
She welcomed us into her home in every way and under any circumstance, being there when we most needed that care and support, feeding us meals made with boundless love, and offering a haven like no other.
Her warmth and love nourished our spirits, and I will be forever grateful for how she gave of herself and made our lives better and fuller.
We will miss you dearly, Gloria. Thank you for being there and for being you.
Maria Jose Yañez posted a condolence
Saturday, March 2, 2024
Querida Gloria, as a Spaniard like you living in New Jersey, it was always such a pleasure and comfort talking to you, not to mention eating all the incredible Spanish meals you so generously would prepare while talking about our beloved Patria. You will be remembered for your kindness, and big loving heart.
Veronica Porras posted a condolence
Saturday, March 2, 2024
Meeting Gloria was a true privilege – her sweetness and spiritual depth left a lasting impression. Cherishing the memory of such a remarkable and kind soul. Rest in peace, dear Gloria.
Brian Graff posted a condolence
Friday, March 1, 2024
Gloria was a wonderful nurturing woman who truly looked after all the people in her life. She was not a blood relative but always treated everyone in my family like we were part of hers. Gloria also made the best paella I have ever had and always did so with a lot of joy. We will
never forget you. Lots of love.
Maritza and David Graff posted a condolence
Friday, March 1, 2024
Our whole family is heartbroken for the loss of such a kind and generous soul who was very important in our lives and always will be.
Maritza and David Graff
Marichu koornstra posted a condolence
Friday, March 1, 2024
We Will always remember you Gloria. Forever in our hearts, dear friend. We Will meet again some where in the universe. Malena and Marichu
Ana Zimmank Posted Mar 3, 2024 at 12:04 AM
My friend Marisa del Valle and I knocked at GLORIA'S door in 1974 at the request of the Monsignor from the Catholic Church in Madison. From that day
we were adopted by Gloria as members of her family. Her caring friendship was unconditional and gave of herself unselfishly to friends and family. Dear Gloria, you will be missed by everyone who knew you. May you rest in peace!
The family of Gloria M. Niec uploaded a photo
Thursday, February 29, 2024

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